散策・金鹿の願い The Golden Deer's Plea
Over 20 years ago...
ディミトリ: ……20年以上も前の話だ。フェルディアで病が流行ったことがある。
Dimitri: It was over 20 years ago... There was an illness raging across Fhirdiad.
While people were dying left and right...it was Cornelia who saved the Kingdom from that dreadful illness.
Choice 1: 想像がつかない…… I can't imagine it...
ディミトリ: いや、元は帝国の学者だったと聞いている。父に招聘されて王国に来たそうだ。
Dimitri: Neither can I. By the time I was old enough to understand, that time had already passed.
Choice 2: コルネリアは医者だった? Cornelia was a doctor?
ディミトリ: ……ああ、俺もだ。俺が物心ついた頃には、すでにあの調子だったから……。
Dimitri: No, I her she was originally an Imperial scholar. She was in the Kingdom by my father's invitation.
ディミトリ: 疫病の流行を終息させたコルネリアは、民衆から”聖女”と讃えられたが……
Dimitri: People praised Cornelia as a saint for ending the epidemic.
But there came a day when she completely changed. Her behavior, mannerisms, likes, dislikes...everything.
Despite all that, Father still appointed her to a high post. After all, she had saved the Kingdom from ruin by that disease...
But above all, my stepmother trusted her. That's why what that woman said is... Never mind.
With Lord Rodrigue's passing...
ドゥドゥー: フラルダリウス公であるロドリグ殿が亡くなられた今……
Dedue: Lord Rodrigue Fraldarius has passed on.
Margrave Gautier has assumed his position, and is now gathering the lords of the eastern territories.
House Gautier is equal in prestige to House Fraldarius. Sylvain is a Gautier.
These lords are reorganizing the Faerghus army, and eradicating any remaining factions that claim allegiance to the Empire.
Of course, His Highness is being kept appraised with regular reports.
But it falls to me to monitor him, and ensure he does not try to take on too much.
I would ask you to do the same. If you take your eyes off that man, even for a moment, he is liable to do something rash.
It's my mission...
フェリクス: ……叔父上から、父の遺品を受け取った。武具や書物の類いばかりだったが、な
Felix: My uncle gave me some of my father's belongings. Weapons, books... But there was something else that my old man really wanted to pass down. He wanted me to inherit his mission—ensuring that Dimitri ascends the throne. Or so I believe.
Kind of unsettling, isn't it?
アッシュ: 王都を奪還したその夜に、デアドラからの急使が届くなんて。
Ashe: The very same night we liberated the capital, a messenger arrived from Derdriu.
Claude must have predicted that we'd retake it.
Choice 1: きっとそうだ Definitely. (Relationship with Ashe up) (No extra dialogue)
Choice 2: さすがに偶然では? Could have been a coincidence.
アッシュ: いや、偶然なら、凄すぎる話ですよ。デアドラから王都までは何日もかかるのに。
Ashe: No, I don't think so. It takes too long to travel to Fhirdiad from Derdriu for it to be chance.
アッシュ: 昔からクロードは、何を考えているのかよくわからない人でしたけど……
Ashe: Claude's a hard person to read.
It's obvious not much escapes his eye though. Kind of unsettling, honestly.
Derdriu, the Aquatic Capital...
シルヴァン: 水上都市デアドラ……綺麗な街だってよく聞きますよ。
Sylvain: Derdriu, the Aquatic Capital... I've heard it's a magnificent city, you know.
If we're going, I wish it wasn't to wage war. It'd be more fun to visit with a cute girl on my arm.
Choice 1: この戦いが終わったら一緒に…… Maybe once the war is over... (Sylvain ⤴)
シルヴァン: え、俺が、あんたと? いやあ……流石に、その発想はなかったですねえ……。
Sylvain: Yeah? Maybe you and me? That'd be a good reason to survive the war. Heh heh...
シルヴァン: え、本当ですか? やったー!じゃ、精一杯生き残るとしましょうかねえ。
Sylvain: You're right. That's something to look forward to.
Choice 2: 諦めたほうが…… Forget it.
シルヴァン: あっははは、先生は酷いなあ……。
Sylvain: Aw, come on. let a guy dream.
I want to see my adoptive father...
メルセデス: 王都にはね、私の養父が住んでいるのよ~。この間、少し顔を見てきたのだけれど……
Mercedes: I went to visit my adoptive father at his home in the capital.
He used to grovel at Cornelia's feet when the city was under her control.
But after it was liberated, he started courting the Kingdom instead.
Choice 1: それも処世術 Whatever it takes to get ahead.
メルセデス: そうね~……生き残っていくためには必要なことなのかもしれないわね~……。
Mercedes: I suppose he was just doing what he needed to survive...
Choice 2: 酷い話だ That's despicable. (Mercedes ⤴)
メルセデス: そうなの、本当に困った人なのよね~。商人らしいと言えば商人らしいのだけど~。
Mercedes: Absolutely. He's hopeless. I suppose when you're a merchant, that's all you know.
メルセデス: どんな世の中になっても、養父のような人はいなくならないのでしょうね~。
Mercedes: No matter what becomes of the world, it'll always be plagued by people like him.
It sounds so elegant...
アネット: デアドラかあ……。あたし、ずっと行ってみたかったんです。
Annette: Derdriu, huh? I've always wanted to go there. In Faerghus, most of the towns are pretty much glorified fortresses. So to hear about a place called the Aquatic capital... it just sounds so elegant! When the war's over, I hope I can visit with everyone there!
It's a strange feeling indeed.
イングリット: リーガン家が主体となって同盟内の勢力を糾合している、か……。
Ingrid: So, House Riegan has regained its influence in the Alliance and is gathering forces.
Claude always was somewhat inscrutable.
It's strange somehow to hear talk of his brilliance as the leader of the Alliance.
I wonder...
フェルディナント: ふと思うことがあるのだ。
Ferdinand: I have been wondering something... If I had not been your student, where would I be right now? Who would I be? Do you ever think about that sort of thing, Professor?
Choice 1: もし他の学級の担任だったら…… Like what if I had led a different class?
Choice 2: もし帝国に味方していたら…… Like what if I had allied with the Empire? (Relationship with Ferdinand up)
フェルディナント: ああ、先生でも考えるのだな。そして、きっと答えは出ない。違うかね?
Ferdinand: Ah, so you do think about such questions. You can never find answers though, right? We cannot turn back time, so there is no way to back and try a different path.
Choice 3: 考えない No, I don't.
フェルディナント: そうか……先生は強いな。私も、貴方のようでありたい。
Ferdinand: I see... You are so focused and coolheaded. I wish I could be more like you.
Everyone is so busy...
リンハルト: 帝国行ったり、王国行ったり、また今度は同盟行ったり……
Linhardt: Traveling to the Empire, to the Kingdom, and then off to Alliance territory... Everyone certainly is busy. Perhaps it's not a bad thing now that I think about it.
Choice 1: これも平和のため It's all in the pursuit of peace.
リンハルト: さっさと平和にして、忙しく危険な日々にお別れを告げたいですね……。
Linhardt: Peace will be lovely. Peace will, one assumes, be considerably less perilous.
Choice 2: 確かに忙しい Yes, very busy. (Relationship with Linhardt up)
リンハルト: 忙しいだけならまだいいんですよ。怠ければいいんですし。
Linhardt: If only we were only busy, then I think I would be fine. I'd be able to take a nap for one. But If I napped now, I suspect that I soon enough I'd find myself busy dying...
カスパル: クロードの奴、“卓上の鬼神”なんて呼ばれてんだよな。
Caspar: Didn't they used to call Claude the "Master Tactician"? I want a nickname too! Maybe I'll get one if I can rescue him at Derdriu... I'll come up with a plan that's even better than his and earn a nickname for sure!
ベルナデッタ: クロードさんって……どんな人でしたっけ。ええと、いや、覚えてますよ!?
Bernadetta: Claude... Claude... Which one was he again? Oh! Right. Yeah, of course I remember him. It's just... I can't picture his face. Don't remember what he looks like. I'm not sure if I ever knew.
It's almost like it was five years ago...
ドロテア: ディミトリさんがクロードくんを助けに行く……ねえ。
Dorothea: Dimitri is going to Claude's aid. How great is that?
It's like we've gone back to how things were five years ago. It's so nice.
Just imagine if Edie was there too?
I suppose you can't ever really go back to the way things were in the past...
The sea...
ペトラ: デアドラから、海、見える、聞きます。いいえ、海、目の前、ですか?
Petra: I am being told you can see the sea from Derdriu. Not just see...that it is right there in front of you. In Brigid, the sea has great closeness. I would be looking at it every day. But in Garreg Mach, we cannot look at the sea. So I am feeling...drawn to Derdriu.
Choice 1: 海は怖い The ocean is frightening. (Relationship with Petra up)
ペトラ: はい、海の精霊、気まぐれ、です。人、襲う時、防げません。怖い、思います。
Petra: That is true. The ghosts of the sea have vengeance in their hearts. If they are wanting to take you, you cannot be saved.
Choice 2: 海は美しい The sea is beautiful.
ペトラ: はい、海、美しい、思います。しかし、怖い時、稀、ある、あります。
Petra: Yes, I think the sea has much beauty. But can also be frightening.
ローレンツ: 助けを求められたら見捨てられない……か。ディミトリ君も随分と甘い男になったな。
Lorenz: It seems Dimitri has become downright charitable.
But I believe he is operating under a serious misapprehension.
It may appear as if Claude is appealing to Dimitri for aid, but that is not what is happening here.
Choice 1: クロードの策略? Another one of Claude's tricks?
ローレンツ: そうじゃない。先生もわかっていないようだな。
Lorenz: That's not it either. I see it got by you as well.
Choice 2: 助けは求めていない? Did he not actually ask for help?
Choice 3: 裏の意味がある? Is there another interpretation? (Lorenz ⤴)
ローレンツ: そうだ。物事を表面だけ見て判断しては、史実を見誤るという、いい例だな。
Lorenz: Yes. A fine example of how snap decisions based on mere appearances can lead to gross misunderstandings.
ローレンツ: 即ち……クロードは、ここに僕がいることを知っていて援軍を求めてきた。
Lorenz: Claude has asked for reinforcements from here because he knows I am here. Simply put, he is not throwing himself on Dimitri's mercy. He is throwing himself on mine. I suppose there is nothing else for it, is there? We cannot turn our backs on those in need. Let us grant him the aid he requires.
I wonder how Claude's been...
ラファエル: クロードくんを助けに行くんだってな。随分会ってねえけど、元気かなあ。
Raphael: We're going to go help Claude? I haven't seen him in forever. Wonder how he's been... I chose this side because I believe in you, Professor. But it's not like I got anything against Claude.
Choice 1: どんな人だった? What was he like?
ラファエル: そうだなあ。宴会が好きだったぞ。何かあるごとに、宴だあって言ってよお。
Raphael: Hmm... Well, he loved parties, and he was full of some pretty good jokes!
Choice 2: 仲が良かった? Were you close? (Relationship with Raphael up)
ラファエル: ああ、そうだな。クロードくんは誰とでもすぐに仲良くなっちまうような奴だったぞ。
Raphael: Of course! Claude was the kinda person who would be instantly friends with anyone.
ラファエル: 同盟がどうなろうと別に知らねえけど、クロードくんには死なねえでほしいなあ。
Raphael: I got no clue what'll happen to the Alliance, but I sure hope Claude doesn't die...
This is scary...
イグナーツ: とうとう同盟領が戦場になってしまいましたか……。
Ignatz: So, war finally comes to the Alliance territories.
I don't mean that there's never been fighting on Alliance soil, of course.
There have been countless skirmishes between neighboring lords, as well as conflicts with Almyra.
But this is an invasion by an army of the Empire. It's a whole different animal.
I don't want to see my family get dragged into this... I hope we can drive back the Empire.
Claude's allies...
リシテア: すでに帝国の侵入を許しているなら、親帝国派諸侯はもう動けない。
Lysithea: The pro-Imperialist lords who've let the Empire in have their hands tied. Houses Ordelia and Gloucester are exposed and likely caught off guard. That must mean that Claude's allies are...
Choice 1: ゴネリル公 Duke Goneril.
リシテア: 地理的に全軍投入は難しいと思うから、援軍もあまり期待できないかもしれません。
Lysithea: Geographically, it would be hard for him to commit his forces, and logically, it wouldn't make sense for him to offer support.
Choice 2: エドマンド辺境伯 Margrave Edmund.
リシテア: エドマンド伯は、お金は出しても兵は出したがらないから、どうかしら。
Lysithea: Margrave Edmund does not commit troops as easily as he commits funds, so that's doubtful.
Choice 3: ダフネル候 Count Daphnel. (Relationship with Lysithea up)
リシテア: 間違いなく援軍を出しているはずですね。あそこの当主はクロードが大好きだから。
Lysithea: Without a doubt she is providing reinforcements. She has always supported Claude.
リシテア: 何にせよ、動員できる兵力が少ない上に、グロンダーズでの損害もありますし……。
Lysithea: Whatever the situation, Claude's military strength is lacking, and what's more, they suffered casualties at Gronder Field. I don't know how long the Alliance forces will be able to hold out against the Empire. We've got to move quickly or we may be too late.
I'm glad they don't have to fight...
マリアンヌ: ディミトリさんとクロードさんが敵対しないでくれて良かったです……。
Marianne: I'm glad Dimitri and Claude don't have to fight one another...
I am the daughter of an Alliance lord though, so I suppose that goes without saying.
Having to fight with your former classmates is just so terribly sad...
It would be nice to visit again.
ヒルダ: 折角、フェルディアを取り戻したのに、お買い物もできませんでしたよー。
Hilda: We took Fhirdiad back, but I never found the time to go shopping there!
When the war's over and the city is revitalized, I'd like to visit again.
Will you come with me, Professor?
Choice 1: わかった All right. (Relationship with Hilda up)
ヒルダ: ほんとに? 嬉しい!あ、でも、そんなことより……
Hilda: Really? Oh, I'm so glad! Although I suppose we have bigger things on our plate, like...
Choice 2: そんなことより Shouldn't we be more worried about...
ヒルダ: 今、クロードくんが、大変なんでしたっけ!たぶん、あたしの実家も巻き込まれてます!
先生の力で、何とかしてあげてください!大丈夫、先生なら勝てる! えいえいおー!
Hilda: Claude! He's in big trouble. I bet my family is too.
We have to help them, Professor! I know we can't lose with you on our side!
So, Derdriu is next?
レオニー: 王都を奪還したと思ったら、今度はデアドラか。
まったく人使いの荒い王子だな。いや、もう王様か? どっちだっけ。
Leonie: Guess this doesn't end with liberating the Kingdom capital. Derdriu is next. That prince really works his people hard, doesn't he? Or should I be calling him a king now? Whatever the title is, he'll always be Dimitri to me.
I hope we can find some clue...
セテス: コルネリアがレアを捕らえている可能性も考えていたのだが……外れたようだな。
Seteth: I thought there was a chance that Cornelia had captured Lady Rhea, but it seems that is not the case.
Our next foe, Lord Arundel, was once a pious adherent to the Seiros creed.
His contributions to the church stopped quite abruptly some time ago. I think it is likely the man knows something.
I think that is simply marvelous!
フレン: クロードさんを助けに行くそうですわね?とっても良いことだと思いますわ!
Flayn: You plan to aid Claude, do you not? I think that is absolutely marvelous.
Being opposing forces at the battle of Gronder was ill fated.
It hurts to side against him. I am happy that things have taken a brighter turn now.
ハンネマン: コルネリアか……格別に懐かしい名だった。彼女はかつて帝国で学んでいたのだ。
Hanneman: Cornelia Arnim... That's a familiar name, yes. She once studied in the Empire.
My understanding is, shortly after I left the Empire, she did as well.
Unlike myself, Cornelia traveled to the Kingdom.
Apparently she halted a plague, and was rewarded with a quite powerful appointment.
That such a an outstanding researcher should fall to such depravity... Sickening, Professor. And quite sad.
Such a an は正しい???
Remember the Death Knight?
マヌエラ: そういえば、死神騎士を覚えている?あたくしを刺した男よ。
Manuela: Remember the Death Knight who stabbed me five years ago? Of course you do. How could you forget?
Well, it turns out he's a general in the Imperial army, claiming victory on dozens of battlefields.
But it looks like he's not at Derdriu. Like every man in my life, he's run away from me... And he better run! One day, I'm gonna find that guy and pay him back for what he did to me!
A deeply moving idea...
ギルベルト: 王都を奪還した今、殿下、ではなく陛下、とお呼びしたいところなのですが……
Gilbert: With the capital recaptured. I desire to call him "Your Majesty" rather than "Your Highness."
He would refuse my desire, rightfully pointing out that he has not, as yet, been crowned.
However, the day this war has ended, and the church has placed the crown upon his head...
Then, he will truly be our king, and I will call him "Your Majesty" at last.
I must go hear the reports from our spies. There is something worrying me and—No. I can wait.
I shall tell you more when our information is more concrete.
アロイス: いよいよ帝国との決戦……!と、気合を入れていたのだが……
Alois: I was getting excited for our big Empire showdown! I spent so much time mentally preparing.
Then we shifted focus to Derdriu. I hadn't been expecting that.
But, as a knight who's sworn to serve the goddess, I cannot turn a blind ear to those who seek my aid.
We have to crush Lord Arundel.
カトリーヌ: アタシらもレア様の捜索を続けてるが、現状、まだこれといった情報はない……。
Catherine: We're still searching for Lady Rhea. No news on that, I'm afraid. Lord Arundel, the emperor's uncle, is the regent of the Empire. If we crush them at Derdriu, maybe we'll capture him and wring some clues out of him.
シャミア: クロードか……あの年の生徒の中でも、ひと際、頭の回転が速かった。
Shamir: Claude, eh? He always was sharp among his peers.
Never let himself get caught up in conventions. He wasn't typical in Fódlan.
I'd like to save him if we can.
Choice 1: きっと間に合う We'll make it in time.
シャミア: そうだな。きっとそれも奴の計算どおりだろ。
Shamir: I know. And I'm sure he's already calculated exactly when that will be.
Choice 2: 死んでも死なない奴だ He's too determined to die. (Relationship with Shamir up)
シャミア: フ……まあそうかもしれん。
Shamir: Heh. You may be right.
I wish there was some other way...
ツィリル: はあ……どうせ同盟領に行っても、レアさまは見つかりません。
Cyril: Ugh, even if we do enter Alliance territory, we're not gonna find Lady Rhea there. I wish we could leave Claude be and go attack the Empire. I suppose if we can't beat the Empire forces here, then we can't get into the Empire lands, can we? I guess that means it's just hard work time, huh, Professor?
Good luck!
門番: お疲れ様です!本日も異常なしであります!
Gatekeeper: Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report! Derdriu is known as the Aquatic capital... It's a beautiful town with streets that seem to float on the water and an impressive harbor. In times of peace, it would be a wonderful place for a holiday... Anyway! Best of luck in the next battle!
Don't fight on an empty stomach!
Citizen: A hungry hero is no better than a well-fed soldier. Do you know that saying? No? That's because I just made it up. If you're hungry, you're never going to be at full strength. Keep your belly full and stay strong!
I hope Judith is all right...
商人: デアドラが攻められていると聞きましたが、ジュディット様はご無事でしょうか……。
Merchant: I heard that Derdriu is under attack. I hope Judith is all right... She may be the Hero of Daphnel, but facing the might of the Empire? I wish there was something more I could do. But I can only pray and hope.
Do you know Lord Holst?
兵士: 同盟領の東方、フォドラの喉元を越えると、そこはもうパルミラの領土です。
Soldier: If you travel east from the Alliance and cross Fódlan's Throat, you enter the land of Almyra.
House Goneril's territory touches the eastern border of the Alliance. They also have Lord Holst, the most valiant warrior in the Alliance.
Tasked with keeping watch over the Almyrans' movements, he rarely leaves the Goneril territory.
セイロス騎士: はあ……盟主は虫が良すぎるし、王子は人が良すぎやしませんか?
Knight of Seiros: The Alliance leader is too demanding, and the prince is too soft-hearted. Don't you think?
The spilled much of each other's blood at Gronder. I lost a lot of friends to the Alliance...
Sorry... I shouldn't complain. I know this is tactically sound.
Everyone seems on board with it, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any misgivings.
Just you watch
商人: そうですね……王都の復興には、まだしばらく時間がかかると思います。
Merchant: It'll take a little while yet for the capital to be restored to its former glory.
But it's not dead yet. Doesn't matter how many time you put the people of Fhirdiad down, they'll get right back up again.
Just you watch. Before long, things will be back to how they were.
We are doing what we can.
Artisan: We can't actually join you on the battlefield, but rest assured that we're there in spirit. We're doing everything we can to support the army, so give it your all out there!
I leave it up to you.
セイロス騎士: 今節、我々はミルディン大橋を拠点とし、可能な範囲で大司教猊下の捜索に当たる。
Knight of Seiros: Using the Great Bridge of Myrddin as a base, we'll spread out and cover as much ground as possible in our search for Her Grace. Judging by the information we've gathered, the most suspicious location is definitely the Imperial capital. The Hyrm territory, whose leader is a mere puppet, and the Aegir territory, whose leader was deposed and disappeared... The Empire has a lot of places with suspicious happenings. It's certainly worth investigating. But it won't do to take too much time in relieving the Alliance army. Please, hurry.
Depends on his tenacity...
ユーリス: 地獄の底から蘇った王によって、圧政者は討たれ、人々は解放された……。
Yuri: So the king who came back from hell defeated the tyrant and liberated the people.
It's like something out of a poetic saga. At least those in need will see it as such.
Choice 1: 少なくとも? You think so?
Choice 2: ユーリスにはどう見える? How do you see it? (Relationship with Yuri up)
ユーリス: 貧しい奴らが本当に必要としていたのは、ブレーダッド家の正統な後継者じゃない。
Yuri: It isn't like the poor need some lofty heir basking in glory.
What they need is someone who can ease their woes, keep them fed.
Things like that. How they view such a king all depends on his ability to provide for them.
All things considered, I imagine Dimitri will do a fine job at it.
The stakes are too damn high.
バルタザール: いよいよ同盟領が戦場になっちまったな。相当深いところまで攻め込まれてるらしい。
Balthus: It's happened. The Alliance is now little more than a battlefield. I guess that was inevitable... So far, Albrecht territory has remained unscathed. But that won't last forever.
Choice 1: 同盟のためにも頑張ろう We'll win this for the Alliance as well. (Relationship with Balthus up)
バルタザール: おうよ、“辣腕摂政”だろうが何だろうがこのおれがまとめて畳んでやらあ!
Balthus: When I see that Arundel guy, I'm gonna knock him flat.
Choice 2: こうしてはいられない…… There's no time to waste.
バルタザール: いや待て待て逸るな。こっちもそれなりに準備が必要だろうがよ。
Balthus: I appreciate the sentiment, pal, but we can't just rush into this thing. Let's make sure we're ready, yeah?
バルタザール: 急がなきゃならねえ、だが負けちまったら元も子もねえ。しっかり支度しておこうぜ。
Balthus: We're short on time, but we have to go in prepared. If we lose this, we lose everything. The stakes are too damn high.
Watch carefully for my dazzling spellcraft!
コンスタンツェ: 魔道学院の方々はご無事でしたようで、私、すっかり安心してしまいましたわ。
Constance: I was most relieved to hear that no one at the school of sorcery was harmed. They are capable people who bear Fódlan's future on their shoulders. We can afford to lose none of them.
Choice 1: 王都を取り戻せて良かった It's good that Fhirdiad is ours once again. (Relationship with Constance up)
コンスタンツェ: ええ! 魔道の未来は明るいですわね!我が家の未来も開けると良いのですけれど!
Constance: Yes, the future of magic is bright! Though it would be brighter if my own house's future was guaranteed.
Choice 2: 帝都は遠のいたが…… Enbarr is beyond our reach now...
コンスタンツェ: その代わりに、魔道の明るい未来を守ったということで妥協しておきますわ!
Constance: In exchange for securing a bright future for magic in Fódlan, that is a small price to pay.
コンスタンツェ: さあ、次は同盟の救援に向かうのでしょう?ほほほ、貴方も私の活躍に刮目なさいな!
Constance: The Alliance is next on our agenda, yes? Ahaha! Watch carefully for my dazzling spellcraft!
I get it now.
ハピ: 昔っからさ、賊が出たとか、貴族同士が争ってるとか、そーいう話って……
Hapi: People have always fought, I guess. Bandits and nobles clashing over territory. Things like that. So before the war, when folks talked about how peaceful everything was, I thought, "What continent are you living on?" I get it now. A few isolated skirmishes here and there are nothing compared to a full-blown war. The one truly peaceful place I've known was the village where I grew up.
Small world...
番人: 先生、お疲れさんです。ここは本日も異常ありですよ。
次はデアドラですか? 懐かしいなあ……俺、あの街で育ったんです。いい街でした。
Abysskeeper: Hey, you. Listen up. I've got something to report. I hear Derdriu is our next objective. Small world. That's actually where I grew up. It's a great place.
I'd rather starve down here...
住民: なんか、あっち行ったりこっち行ったり、軍隊って大変なんですね。
Resident: The army runs you ragged. Marches you from place to place, prodding you to fight. They promised me three meals a day... They'd have to give a lot more than that to get me to sign on. I'd rather starve down here than deal with that.